Every thought, every word, and every action becomes a cause for another thought, another word, and another action.
Oil on canvas; 150x150 cm
The intertwinement of actions & reactions make up our world as we experience it. Every single action we take creates an exponential myriad of effects that further propagate itself just like a speckle inside a kaleidoscope reflecting indefinitely. These re-engaging components participate in an eternal cyclical dance, a trap called samsara. Religions and spiritual explorations aim to find an exit out of this trap. Perhaps questioning the speckle’s origin could give us a clue?
Sacred geometry is the study of spiritual meaning in various spatial arrangements. In the concentric structure of mandalas, the circle represents the wholeness of an individual - the self, and the square represents the Cartesian dimensions, or one’s surrounding. The mandala describes the awareness of how we, as conscious beings, relate to our cosmos, our world.
Jacqueline Shiu uses Chinese classical, Tibetan Thangka, & French art nouveau motifs in her paintings to illustrate the truth, the good, and the beautiful. Geometric proportions & symmetry express dignity, righteousness, and order; organic lines & shapes embody the complexity and depth of human emotions; detail & intricacy reflect human dedication and perseverance; and flowers are symbolic of grace and perfection.